Brian T Shirley

Brian T Shirley
Jokers Wild, Atlantis Resort

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Putin Punts The Ball, Obama Sits The Bench!

The latest post for my column "Truth Be Told" for Will Roberts' Weekly Telegram. Here's a little inside info for you folks to chew on. Will thanked Johnny Hotshot and myself for our posts this week as we were doing our segment "Pros & Cons" for his radio broadcast, very nice I thought. Then I saw on twitter where Will tweeted my column (the one you're about to read) and remarked that "Truth Be Told Throws a Ball Below the Belt". Oh well, that's showbiz folks!
                              Putin Punts The Ball, Obama Sits The Bench!
There are moments in time that can define or at least give us a glimpse into the soul of our elected officials. These are moments where all the politics, semantics and personality are pushed to the side and the REAL person shines through. I know there are Bush haters out there and even though I voted for the man twice, I was very disappointed with some of the things his administration did. I will say though, that what president Bush said as he stood near the rubble of the world trade center nearly twelve years ago, made me proud to be an American and glad I voted for the man. It may sound cliche, but it’s the truth and since the word “Truth” is in the title of this column, that’s what we’ll deal with here.
 Someone shouted out to President Bush as he was making his remarks about the cowardly terrorists who brought down those towers. Bush responded ” I hear you, the world hears you, and (as a fevered pitch arose in the crowd) the folks who brought down these towers will hear from all of us soon!”  The crowd erupted. No Bush hater will ever take that moment away from me, they can’t lie about it and they can’t decrease the effect it had and continues to have on my soul. It bonded all of America together and made us one in the blink of and eye. For that moment, and many times during the healing period from this tragedy, we were Americans. No color, sexual orientation, ideology or class mattered. We were AMERICANS. Bush rallied us as a nation! Since then, we have fallen into war with ourselves!
The only time Obama has shown passion and gotten a crowd excited, is when he is pitting us against each other! Doesn’t anyone, even blind Obama followers see the difference? Obama likes to quote Reagan and Lincoln. Did not Lincoln say “A house divided cannot stand”? It just struck me the other day during all the 9/11 remembrances, now to include Benghazi, that Obama has not shown himself to be a worthy International leader at any point during his two terms. He has apologized for this country, he has complained about what he has been called in this country to other nations and now he has been made to look like a fool by his adversary in Russia. “We’ve got Snowden, Na,na,na,na,na! OK, I’ll broker a deal to get those bad old weapons for you from Syria, you just sit right there and tell your congress to hold on a minute.”
We have not heard any kind of update about what happened in Benghazi and when I hear what he said now about finding the people who KILLED 4 Americans, frankly it sounds uninspired. No passion or sense of urgency in the least. Obama sounded like he was aggravated that he had to talk about it, like the deaths of these men was more of a nuisance. Now, the latest foreign policy gaffe with Syria has convinced me this President is in way over his head. No matter how this comes out, his “leadership” has been weakened and not just to those of us who did not vote for him. People who really look at TRUTH, must see how weak this “Nobel Prize Recipient” is . This is his moment in time that no one can take away. No spin doctor, no progressive lawyer speak, no blinded Obama follower who refuses to look at facts, can take the truth of this moment away from me, the disgrace I feel for having this man in office. He pointed at the world and said ” This is your RED line, not mine”. He threw the world under the bus to protect his legacy, how sick is that?!
Truth Be Told, we don’t have  a quarter back for a leader, we have a water boy!

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