This post cocerns a post made on LinkIn about an internet radio program I co-host called "The Triangle Variety Comedy Show".
We learn as we grow and growth is not without some pain. I read a post that smacked me in the gut and of course reacted with a bit of anger. I discussed the post with my co-host and we agreed with some of what the person had said and have made adjustments to the show. I also think I have learned not to react to those criticisms directly, but really look at what they are saying. Two lessons from one post, not too bad.Here's my explanation along with the post and response, warts and all.
I got a negative comment on LinkedIn about the Triangle Variety Comedy Show show this week. I posted an advert for the show on LinkedIn saying "We put the 'V' in Variety. Listen to The Triangle Vairety Comedy Show, etc...". Here's the post and my response.
Their post:
People are crying out for variety shows. When I saw your post I got excited. But I listened to your blog talk and heard laughter without humor. There were no jokes or comedy routines, only conversation sprinkled with pointless chuckles as if everyone were sharing a private joke that the audience couldn't get in on. So sadly, I turned it off. As a variety artist and writer of comedy, I wish I had heard something that would leave me wanting more and set me in hot pursuit of your shows and your book. May I suggest one solid week of Laurel and Hardy, the Colgate Comedy Hour, Soupy Sales, and the Ed Sullivan Show--for starters. Study what made Hal Roach's Lot of Fun work. Watch the film "Bug Bunny Super Star." Cop a fix of Harold Lloyd, Burns and Allen or Buster Keaton while you're at it, and then put on a show. All the world wants to laugh. The material just has to be funny. Truly funny.
My reply:
We do play comedy clips and do interviews with authors,comedians,actors,writers,club owners, etc. It's a new show and a new type of format. I recap what's going on in the first segment and yes, we do chat a bit. I was doing a remote from a club I was performing at, first time we've done that, so it was a bit rough. You missed some great interviews and some funny songs. We do variety comedy from today's comedians who are our guests and send us their material. A great deal of what we play is exclusive content to the general public. We have established road comedians who send us their material. I respect and enjoy the folks you named, but they were not born famous, they had to get a start and a break somewhere. I've been touring for twenty years and I'm on the road twice this week, it's hard to get noticed, especially when people are hard pressed to embrace new acts. We offer PG-13 humor in many forms on our show and yes, discuss the ins and outs of the business. That's variety comedy to me, sorry you don't want to come along for the ride. I know we have a long way to go (We started August 1 2012) but I'm not going backwards to "The Colgate Hour" or Soupy Sales (who I watched as a kid, he had a morning show). We're trying, and succeeding I may add, to bring these talented people to a wider audience. I believe there's a lot of talented people out there, it's a shame folks like you don't want to give them a shot. I don't want to just stick a bunch of comedy clips up and take credit for having a comedy show. I want to have substance and meaning as well, all 3 of our guests made some very good points this week. I got a message right here on LinkedIN as a matter of fact that "Comedian Amaru was very funny on your show and I would go and pay to see him". Sorry, but that comment was 1000 times more worthwhile to me than your close minded approach. See you in the 1950's!
From apparent foe to friend?
How do you get rid of an enemy? Turn them into a friend.
Here's my little critic again, she's back at it. This is fun. Here's another one from her and my retort.
Sharon Evans •I clicked your link expecting to hear comedy because that was the pitch. Where can I hear the comedy routines and funny songs without the interviews?
Brian Shirley •We are building a collection of clips from comedians from all over the country, that does take some time. There are some clip shows in the works. Believe it or not (as Jack Palance would say) there are folks who enjoy our interviews and look forward to them. Are you trying to get a spot? Boy, that would be ironic.
Update!From apparent foe to friend?
How do you get rid of an enemy? Turn them into a friend.
Brian Shirley •Thanks Sharon, I'm learning as I go and you have helped. I'm also a remote co-host as I call in from Chas.,SC and Patrick and his station are in North Carolina. As you can imagine this limits some of the things such as timing, visual ques, etc. I also still tour quite a lot as a stand-up comedian and sometimes I can not be there on the show the full 3 hours. I'm not giving excuses, just drawing a better picture for you. As they say,"The Show must go on!".
Last Update:
Sharon will be on the show May 1st @ 10:15 PM EST. I'll be in the Bahamas, but Patrick will do a good job with the interview as usual. Can't wait to hear this one when I get back.
Thank you for what you, Brian, and Patrick do. If it wasn't for y'all, more of us would go unnoticed. There will always be someone who finds fault with what creative folks do. Don't let it get you down...
ReplyDeleteIt's part of the deal when you put yourself out there, someone will try to bring you down. I've got an update I'm adding to the post. This actually is kind of fun!