Brian T Shirley

Brian T Shirley
Jokers Wild, Atlantis Resort

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Rich Get Richer...AND WE LET THEM!!

I'm putting this post out BEFORE it's in my syndicated column "Truth Be Told" because I think it's that important. I also had a conversation with my fellow Comedian/Film Maker Amaru Lewis after watching his movie (He wrote, shot, edited, narrated, etc) "Annie Was A Liar: The Truth About Being In Foster Care" and it seemed to me that this post could be tied in to what we had discussed. I will expound on The BTS Radio Show Wednesday, March 26th. If you can listen live, I'll post the archive and the show on Spreaker when it's available.

                         Truth Be Told: The Rich Get Richer.....and WE LET THEM!!!
As someone who grew up in a broken home, had a mother who at one time was on food stamps, lived in my grandparents basement for a short while, I have seen the poor side of the fence very close up. I know there's folks out there who've had it far worse and I don't want to get into a comparison war, I'm just qualifying my poverty status. I've also struggled recently, as many have, in this stubbornly sluggish economy.
 For a good part of my life I fell into the "hate the rich" and "woe is me" mindset that so many poor and lower class (economically) people have everywhere in the world. I now believe this very mindset keeps these people where they are forever. This is what we saw with the 'Occupy Wall Street" movement. I can identify with their frustration, but, I never understood their mindless ramblings however, and their ignorance defeated their own movement.
 Crying, whining, acting like trash and stealing are not ways to get the rich to change their ways and come off with some dough. All these activities do is make the snobs say to themselves, "There you have it, a bunch of savages who can't even form coherent thoughts!!". No, I believe now there are other ways to turn the tables and WE do have the power to do it. Alas, I feel there are many whom even if they understood this, would not make the life changes necessary to carry out an economic revolution.
The change many were looking for in electing Obama was from the outside, they never bothered to look within. These people weren't going to change horrible spending habits ($2000 rims and a $1000 stereo system on a car worth $1500), they expected someone else to change the rules, the game, the field or what ever it took for them to get "Theirs" without working for it! They were not about to focus on education, hard work, sacrifice, goals or putting together an economic plan. It's taken me a while to figure out that it really is up to me, I have to be the change I want to see.
 The rich stay rich because we let them. These poor fools don't sacrifice for a better way of life, they sacrifice for a pair of $300 shoes or a big screen TV. They don't think about who gets their money! These idiots buy the yachts, condos and Islands for the greedy ones while standing out in the streets making nonsensical speeches and talking on their $200 cell phones.
  The rich folks could help out the situation by supporting independent, family owned businesses, giving back to the communities they grew up in by building new stadiums for dilapidated schools or sponsoring a segment on my radio program The BTS Radio Show! (Hey, I have to eat too!).
 How do we take back some of the wealth in this country and grow our middle class again? It's really very easy. Support your fellow man!! Help the little guy out, support those family owned restaurants when you hear of one opening in your area. Stop giving money to the well known national brands, explain to your kids it's cooler to support folks like yourselves instead of the people who already have 3 houses. (I know that's a tough one). Think about the economic impact you, your friends and family could have if you stopped buying from a brand who does not treat it's employees fairly. If a company is found to pay it's workers poorly, never gives raises, cuts it's losses buy firing people instead of not taking huge bonuses for it's CEOs, let's put there GREEDY, NON-WEALTH SHARING ASSES out of business. If a company's CEOs, owners, board of directors, etc. invest or stick their money in overseas accounts QUIT BUYING THEIR PRODUCT.
Truth Be Told, when we reward people who are greedy, we can't complain about a bunch of greedy rich folks!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Putin Puts it to Obama and the West of the World!!

Here's the post I submitted for my column "Truth Be Told" in The Weekly Telegram, it should be up soon, but you folks can see it first. I know the situation has accelerated since I wrote the post, but I did find my comments were close to what other people were saying. I want people to know, these are my own opinions, I wrote this before I heard or read any comments about the crisis, thanks.

               Truth Be Told: Putin is Puttin it to Obama and the West of the World
I know the situation in the Ukraine is not a laughing matter, but I was amused watching the changing headlines on AOL as this event unfolds. When things started really going downhill and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev last month, I was watching the news. First, Obama said for Putin not to interfere in the situation or there would be consequences. Nothing concrete or specific, just "Consequences". The next headline about Russia relayed that Putin was going to his Parliament to seek permission to use force in the Ukraine. Obama's headline did not change, just the good old "Consequences" and nothing more. Then the headline for Putin changed to read that he had gotten permission to use what ever force he thought necessary and it was a unanimous vote by the way. Still, "Consequences" from Obama and nothing more. Putin went in and now the stress level is very high, but on who?
Putin made quick calculated decisions, weighed pros and cons without testing the wind or putting together a task force. Whether you like him or not, he's a strong leader who does what he think's is best in his country's interest and does not seem to car what Obama says. They had a 90 minute phone conversation at some point during this incident in the Ukraine and what ever Obama said did not deter Putin.
What ever sanctions the West may put on Putin's Russia can be made up by signing deals with other countries or at least, that's what the Russian's are counting on.
Didn't Obama have strong words for Putin when Snowden scampered off to Russia? Where's Snowden now? HMMMMMM...
 I don't think force would be the answer in this case and I'm sick of war myself anyway. Strong leadership and someone who can build bridges with people he may not see eye to eye with is what's needed here. We don't have that in this man, Obama, who's are President for now. He's great at leading people who believe in him, terrible at gathering support from folks who don't. He talks down to people whom he perceives may not agree with him. That's a horrible way for a 'Leader" to act and does not instill confidence. His blind followers will never see this, but even people on the fence about him have to admit he's more of a divider that someone who brings people together. Truth Be Told, RESPECT can be a better deterrence than words or force sometimes!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Gay Thang!!

From my "Truth Be Told" column. We also debated the Arizona law that was vetoed by the governor that dealt with Gay rights vs. Religious rights, so to speak. The debate between Will Roberts, Johnny Hotshot and myself on the Pros & Cons" segment of Will's Weekly Telegram became quite heated at times. We are now on over 36 stations worldwide with the show and I must imagine we strike a nerve with some folks.

                               Truth Be Told: The Gay Thang
 Yes, I know I spelled 'Thing" wrong, but since you're here, let's go!!
 We now have  basketball and football players who have come out as gay, and may I say from the spots talk shows I've listened to the past month or so on this subject, that there have been gay players is nothing new. That they have come out is new and yes, brave. Now let's look at facts as see where we can go from there.
 I don't believe people should be bullied or picked on because of ANYTHING!! Let me repeat, anything, religion, sexual preference, skin color, weight, etc. Unfortunately this happens. I got picked on a lot as a youngster, I was nerdy, I had a terrible last name for a boy and I tried to do what was right. Not a good combination. The fact is, because I'm a straight, white,Christian male, I should just shrug it off and deal with it. I have so no big deal. Yet, change any aspect of my religion, sexual preference or skin color and I can gain a lot more sympathy towards my behavior in certain situations.
 I'll say it again, because some people forget what they read when you write something they don't agree with. NOBODY should be discriminated against because of religion, sexual preference, skin color, etc. This should be for all people, not certain folks as this is the case a lot in this country. We should have equal rights, not SPECIAL rights!! When people try to force their views or lifestyles on us whomever they are it's wrong! We don't HAVE TO ACCEPT some one's lifestyle, but we should not harass them because of it. This is where I think the GAY AGENDA looses it's way. Yes, I understand you're a minority. Do you? Do you understand that usually a man is attracted to a woman and because you're not you're different. That's not my fault and I don't have to understand it, accept it, teach it to my kids or be subject to sensitivity training about it. I don't, however, have the right to bully or try to make you're life hell because you are different. I also feel marriage is between a man and a woman, should I be castigated because of my view? If you do and you're gay, then you're a hypocrite. You want me to respect you and you're view on gay marriage, but mine is null and void. Oh, and I'm  homophobic. RIDICULOUS!! At the same time, I don't think the government, should have a say in the matter either way. That's between, GOD and the 2 people who want to be joined in Holy Matrimony, so there, surprise!! 
 These athletes, if capable, should be able to compete without a fear of what will happen in the locker room. But at the same time, they must understand that their team mates do not have to accept their life outside the game. When we as a society can respect each other equally and tolerate our differences, we will truly be civilized. This is not the case with some groups who only see their side of things and refuse to see the people who have never harassed them or the people who have stood up for them, even thought they may not agree with their lifestyle.
Truth be told, in the end, you get the respect you give.